
Untitled, Undetectable Series, 2006, Pigment Print on Stonehenge Paper, 18 x 24 inches

The Undetectable Series unfolds as an autobiographical exploration, chronicling my journey of coming of age as a gay queer man. In these artworks, I embark on a playful exploration of the male form and sexuality, using larger-than-life connect-the-dots, doodles, video, and multimedia sculpture to weave a visual tapestry that mirrors the vibrant complexity of navigating one’s path to self-discovery.

These visual narratives invite viewers to connect with their own stories of growth and self-realization. The series aims to be a bridge, fostering empathy and understanding across diverse experiences of identity and coming into one’s own.

“The series aims to be a bridge, fostering empathy and understanding across diverse experiences of identity and coming into one’s own.”

Through the combination of personal iconography and universal symbols, I strive to create a space where introspection and joy coexist. The Undetectable Series celebrates the resilience, vibrancy, and diversity inherent in the journey of coming out, resonating as a visual ode to the kaleidoscopic spectrum of queer experiences.

Exhibition View, New World Gallery

Detail, Untitled 2

Untitled, Undetectable Series, 2006, Pigment Print on Stonehenge Paper, 18 x 24 inches

Untitled, Undetectable Series, 2006, Pigment Print on Stonehenge Paper, 18 x 24 inches