
Capital (La Capital), Red Series 2023, Acrylic on Canvas, 40 x 60 inches
Echoes of Dystopia: A Visual Reverberation of Orwellian Realities

The Red series delves into the depths of dystopian themes, inspired by George Orwell’s influential work, “1984,” weaving a visual narrative that reverberates with the echoes of a familiar distant past. Through a series of red monochromatic impressionist style paintings that appear to be engulfed in flames, I aimed to evoke the visceral intensity and haunting imagery of a déjà vu.

“Allowing that fire dance across the canvas like jazz evoking a sense of foreboding and unrest.”

The rich hues of red serve as a potent symbol of passion, danger, and upheaval, mirroring dreamlike landscapes depicted in a dystopian vision. Through impressionist brushstrokes I tried to capture the spirit, the internal flame. Allowing that fire dance across the canvas like jazz evoking a sense of foreboding and unrest.

Untitled (Daisies), Red Series, 2023, Acrylic on Canvas, 40x40 inches
Detail, Untitled (Daisies)
Untitled (Barbed wire & Picket Fence), Red Series, 2023. Acrylic on Canvas, 16x20 inches
LA, Red Series, 2023, Acrylic on Canvas, 40 x 60 inches
Libertad (Liberty), Red Series 2023. Acrylic on Canvas, 40x60 inches